Friday, October 21, 2016

5 Dialogues That Every Banarasi Can Relate To

Varanasi is famous for its temples, the Ganges , paan and its rich cultural diversity, what it is also famous for are the dialogues or the pick up lines which you will surely listen or use if you are a Banarasi or if you are visiting.

So Here are the dialogues

1. भौकाल (BHOKAL)

 It describes a person who is talking way too ahead of his actual capabilities. You will hear people talking to each other and saying " का हो भौकाल  दे थुआ का ?" 

2. चौचक (CHAUCHAK)
Its a way of expressing your joy , elation and sometimes to appreciate someone as well.


When awesome, great, out of the world such compliments fail banarasi's use Lallantop

quote " मौसम लल्लनटॉप बा "  means the weather is great in Banarasi style.

4. कंटाप (Kantap)

When you hit somebody in the side of their ears by flicking your fingers real hard. 
"एक कंटाप  देब तो तोहार दिमाग सही हो जाई " means a polite way of saying don't mess around.

5. राजा /गुरु /मालिक 
These are 3 kinds of persons a Banarasi is usually described as 

राजाAll the teenagers showing off with theirs bikes cars or anything you can think off are put in this category.

गुरु : These people are a little older bunch who seem to have knowledge about everything, that can even include " kattapa ne bahubali ko kyu mara?"

मालिक: They are most wealthy people in a group people because of their resourcefulness.

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